Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Quotes for Media

Buckingham- (2008) representations of people "A focus on identity requires us to pay closer attention to the ways in which media and technologies are used in everyday life and their consequences for social groups"

Giddens- "the difficulties of living in a secular risk culture are compounded by the importance of lifestyle choices"

Gauntlet-  "Because 'inherited recipes for living and role stereotypes fails to function' we have to make our own new patterns of being, and it seems clear that the media plays an important role here"
"Identity is complicated- everyone thinks they've got one"

Gerbner- Cultivation Theory "The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend 'living' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality portrayed on television"

Acland- Representation of youths- to maintain social order- "the idea that young people need constant surveillance and monitoring"

Giroux- "youth becomes an empty category which reflects the anxieties and interests of adult society"

Studler-(1988) "in masochism as in the infantile state of dependance, pleasure does not involve mastery of the female or submission of her body and her gaze. This pleasure also applies to the infant the masochist and the film spectator"

Hanson- (1984) "Put forth the idea that women are also able to view male characters as erotic object of desire"

Laura mulvey- Male Gaze Theory- "for women the result of media being presented from the perspective of men and through the male gaze, women find themselves , at time, taking of the male gaze. women then gaze at other women in the same way as a man would, and thus end up objectifying other women"

Hebdige- (1979)- "Subcultures bring together like-minded individuals who feel neglected by societal standards and allow them to develop a sense of identity"

Branston and Stafford- Stereotypes- "soaps rely on archetypal characters and stereotypes- ensure ready accessibility because stories have universal appeal about families and communities. stereotypes depend on shared cultural knowledge- some part of the stereotype must ring true"

Dyer- (1979)- "Stereotypes are always about power. those with power stereotype those with less power"

Collective Identity- "Individuals sense of belonging to a group or collective who share a set of traditions and values"

Gramsci- "Much of the media controlled by the dominant group in society and the view points associated with this group inevitably become embedded in the product themselves, even if the promotion of these views isn't conscious- dominant views come to be seen as the norm"

Patriarchy- "A society of men, run by men for men"