Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Questions from class

1. Is the media Islamophobic?
I would say that they are, this is due to the fact that the majority of newspapers, roughly 91%, only show negative views on Islam and muslims.

2. To what extent can/does the media influence public perception of Islam?
A large percentage of the pubic is influenced by the media, firstly the media is the biggest generator of news and opinions on certain events. Secondly newspapers such as The Sun are very popular and have millions of readers, this shows that a large amount of Britain can be influenced by them and their views.

3. What is Islamophobia?
Googles description on Islamophobia is "dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force". This is basically saying that Islamophobia/Islamophobic is when people have a negative view on Islams and Muslims.

4. Does the public accept negative media representations of Islam?
I wouldn't say that all of the public accept negative media representations, however a mass of the public will because of how the much the media show them in these ways. The representation is scaring and shocking people but also allowing them somebody to blame which I think will make them accept what the media is saying.

5. How might Gauntlett's theory apply to media representations of Islam?
This theory states that the media shows messages about identity and acceptable lifestyles which is applied in this situation as the media is blaming terrorist attacks on a specific religion which is telling the message that being muslim or following the Islam religion is not an acceptable lifestyle.

Post 9/11 representation Homework

Since the attack on the Twin Towers in America on the 11/09/2001 muslims and the Islamic religion are viewed and presented largely in a negative way by the media.

These newspaper clippings is a start to the media presenting muslims as terrorists. Since 9/11 Islamophobia has risen and the media has a strong role in showing islamophobic ideas.

These newspaper front covers are extremely clear with their negative views. The most resent article is The Suns from Monday 23rd Novemeber 2015 stating that 1 in 5 British muslims show sympathy for Jihadis, this media example is trying to get the reader to support its views and believe the same statements. A large portion of Britain reads the sun newspaper, this means that this view will be supported and read by a lot of people who may not have enough information to have any other opinion which will lead to islamophobia increasing due to fear.

David Gauntlett's theory-

  • Identity is now consciously constructed, and the media provides some of the tools to help us construct our identities. The media contains a huge number of messages about identity and acceptable lifestyles.
  • At the same time the public have their own diverse set of feelings. The media and media consumers are engaged in a dialogue in which neither overpowers the other.

This theory is linked with islamophobia because in Gauntletts theory it says that "the media provides some of the tools to help us construct our identity". I think that our thoughts and opinions are part of our identity and these newspapers are influencing what we see and think about Islam and muslims. However it also says "the public have their own diverse set of feelings"which is true as we have the power to think what we want about the subject, a lack of education on this subject is why a large sum of the public agree with these certain newspapers, this statistic shows this "4% of the British public admit to knowing nothing or next to nothing about Islam" and "64% of the public claim what they know is acquired through the media".

Other statistic about Islam-
-91% of Islam coverage is deemed negative.
-84% of press coverage presented Islam and muslims either as 'likely to cause damage or danger' or as 'operating in a time of intense difficulty or danger'.

Post 9/11 representation on islam and muslims by the media show a lot of negative aspects.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Media Representation Homework


Shows that men and woman are conveyed and subjectified in different ways. Tinie Tempa is presented smartly in a suit,  standing broadly and confidently, where as, Lana Del Ray is completely naked and contracted into herself to cover her body. In this example the media has shown that men can be confident and strong compared to women who they show as weak and ashamed.

In this magazine cover the difference between gender is shown in a very clear way. The cover is quite obviously stating that the importance in each gender is divided 1:4, I think this because there are four scarcley dressed woman clinging onto the males arm.

 Even though the equality in gender has progressed in time, the male gender is still being  shown as the dominant sex.

  Youth and Youth Culture-

In this one image it shows how the media in newspapers shows youth. Only negetive facts and opinions are being portrayed and they create the image that the whole youth right now are violent "yobs". The statistic "35 million yobs" is extremely high and leads to the readers endinng up stereotyping young people in that catagory.

The clothing that the characters have been placed in and the setting of this photo is suppose to make the viewer feel unsteady  or unsafe as it is usually associated with violent/troublesome teenagers. The fact they have chosen to present the t5he youth in this way shows what they want people to see the youth as overall.

The  media often represents youth and youth culture in this manner, giving people the stereotpe of every young person to be "out of control" and "criminals".

Post 9/11 representation of islam-

This photo shows the labels that have been placed on muslims post 9/11. The words that are showing  the stereotpes including "terrorist" and this is the media blantantly calling all muslims terrorists and radicalists.

 Again this photo is the media blaming islam for for the deaths at 9/11. This photo is placing the blame upon a whole gorup of people instead of the actual terrorists who was to blame.

Islam and muslims were all catagorised under the title terrorist after 9/11. The media shows a biased opinion to further their own opinion.