Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Questions from class

1. Is the media Islamophobic?
I would say that they are, this is due to the fact that the majority of newspapers, roughly 91%, only show negative views on Islam and muslims.

2. To what extent can/does the media influence public perception of Islam?
A large percentage of the pubic is influenced by the media, firstly the media is the biggest generator of news and opinions on certain events. Secondly newspapers such as The Sun are very popular and have millions of readers, this shows that a large amount of Britain can be influenced by them and their views.

3. What is Islamophobia?
Googles description on Islamophobia is "dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force". This is basically saying that Islamophobia/Islamophobic is when people have a negative view on Islams and Muslims.

4. Does the public accept negative media representations of Islam?
I wouldn't say that all of the public accept negative media representations, however a mass of the public will because of how the much the media show them in these ways. The representation is scaring and shocking people but also allowing them somebody to blame which I think will make them accept what the media is saying.

5. How might Gauntlett's theory apply to media representations of Islam?
This theory states that the media shows messages about identity and acceptable lifestyles which is applied in this situation as the media is blaming terrorist attacks on a specific religion which is telling the message that being muslim or following the Islam religion is not an acceptable lifestyle.

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